Our Rider* Principles We Live and Breathe

Vision and Innovation

We're dream weavers and change-makers. Every strategy we craft is a step towards a more inclusive, sustainable future for us all. Innovation excites us, but we ensure it's always coupled with ethics and integrity.

Empowering Marginalized Voices

We believe in the power of the underdog. Women-led and marginalized ventures aren't just our clients; they're our partners in disrupting the status quo. Our campaigns are designed to amplify diverse experiences and stories that are often unheard.

Sustainability as Our Compass

Sustainability isn't a buzzword; it's our backbone. From the smallest decisions to the biggest campaigns, we're committed to marketing practices that drive profits, nurture people, and protect our planet. It's about making every action count.

Triple Bottom Line Philosophy

We strive to create economic value while promoting social equity and environmental care. Balancing profit with people and the planet is challenging but essential. For us, success is measured by our positive impact on all three fronts.

Fractional Efficiency

Our fractional model isn't a compromise; it's a strategic advantage. We're nimble, we're experts, and we're here to prove that impactful marketing doesn't require a full-time CMO. We offer efficiency without sacrificing quality.

Human-Centric Approach

In a world of algorithms and AI, we champion the personal touch that makes edtech truly transformative. We're fluent in tech, but we're even more fluent in human connection and authentic storytelling.

Synergistic Impact * Two Birds, One Scone

We believe in the power of feeding two birds with one scone. Our strategies are designed to uplift our clients while simultaneously contributing to a more equitable education system. This synergistic approach ensures that every campaign, every initiative, serves multiple purposes - driving business success for our clients while fostering positive change in the world.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

We're lifelong learners and proud of it. We evolve. Regular training and professional development keep us at the forefront of sustainable marketing practices. This commitment to growth allows us to continually refine our "two birds, one scone" approach, maximizing impact with every action.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Our strategies are informed by robust data and research. Analytics guide us in making our campaigns effective and efficient. This approach ensures we make informed decisions that drive real value for our clients.

Transparency and Accountability

Transparency is our love language. We're not about smoke and mirrors; we're about clear communication, measurable results, and being open about our progress and challenges. This builds trust and fosters long-term relationships.

And while we’re at it…

Our Sustainable Marketing Commitment* Cultivating Green Growth

  1. Environmental Stewardship: We pledge to walk the talk in reducing our environmental impact. From optimizing ad delivery to embracing energy-efficient digital solutions, we're committed to cutting down our carbon footprint and using eco-friendly resources in our campaigns.

  2. Inclusivity and Social Responsibility: We dedicate ourselves to promoting diversity and inclusion in all our marketing efforts. Our campaigns reflect the rich diversity of the communities we serve, and we actively support initiatives that empower marginalized groups.

  3. Economic Viability: We commit to helping our clients understand and implement the triple bottom line philosophy. Our approach focuses on creating long-term value that aligns sustainability with broader business objectives, ensuring ethical profitability.

  4. Transparency and Accountability: We swear to measure what truly matters. Our ROI isn't just about dollars; it's about positive impact on communities and the environment. We set clear sustainability goals, measure progress, and openly share our journey through regular audits and reports.

  5. Innovation for Sustainability: We vow to leverage technology mindfully and innovatively. We're always seeking new ways to reduce environmental impact, boost efficiency, and maximize digital impact while minimizing our ecological footprint.

  6. Multifaceted Solutions * The Two Birds, One Scone Approach: Our sustainable marketing strategies embody the principle of feeding two birds with one scone. We craft campaigns that not only meet our clients' business objectives but also advance broader sustainability goals. This approach maximizes resource efficiency, amplifies positive impact, and demonstrates that marketing can be a powerful tool for holistic change.

  7. Long-Term Vision: We prioritize enduring impact over short-term gains. Our strategies focus on sustainable growth and lasting change, ensuring that our marketing efforts contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future.

  8. Supply Chain Integrity: We commit to transparency in our marketing ecosystem. From the tools we use to the partnerships we forge, we ensure our entire supply chain aligns with our sustainable values and practices.

  9. Community Engagement: We actively participate in community initiatives that align with our values. By engaging with and supporting local communities, we ensure our sustainable marketing efforts have a tangible, positive impact beyond our immediate business sphere.

  10. Continuous Improvement: We pledge to celebrate progress while always striving for better. Sustainability is a journey, and we're committed to ongoing evolution in our practices, adapting to new challenges and opportunities in the ever-changing landscape of sustainable marketing.