Accelerate EdTech Growth with Tailored Marketing Expertise

We deserve one another.

Your groundbreaking solutions deserve a marketing approach that speaks the language of educators and administrators alike.

We deliver on-demand, scalable marketing solutions designed for educational technology companies ready to lead your space.

We’ve created this presi to help facilitate internal discussions about working with us.

Tailored for EdTech Excellence

Brand Positioning & Tailored Messaging

Articulate your value proposition to cut through the noise in a crowded market.

Marketing Automation & Lead Nurturing

Implement sophisticated systems to engage prospects throughout the complex education sales cycle.

Content Strategy & Creation

iDevelop thought leadership that positions your company as an indispensable educational partner.

Performance Marketing

Drive targeted campaigns that speak directly to your key stakeholders – from superintendents to curriculum directors.

Proven Results in EdTech

Project: Rubicon M&A Readiness

Challenge: Slow growth for Rubicon’s flagship product Atlas, the leading curriculum management system for K20. Growth historically by referral, new products lacked awareness, competition entering space, M&A readiness

Solution: Digital transformation of sales and growth marketing functions, corporate and product rebrand, new website, sales enablement, CRM and Finance integration, new product go-to-market, global virtual and live event strategy 


  • 2 acquisitions valued at $60M

  • 40% increase in revenue yoy

  • 50% reduction in churn

  • $2M in new product activations in 6 months

  • Inbound automation for sustained pipeline growth and awareness

Redefine success with a technology-enabled brand and revenue engine.

Looking for Insights? Read from The Roost.

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